Saturday, November 14, 2009

Dental school questions?

1) Can you get a scholarship to dental school? I've been looking at tuition fees, and it is pretty pricy, but I've always wanted to be a dentist, or at least work in a dental office.

2) What exactly does a dental assistant do?

3) What exactly does a dental hygenist do?

4) What exactly does a dentist do?

5) I'm going to graduate high school in 2 years, and want to know what I should major in in order to be a dentist.

6) What do you do as far as practical dentistry in dental school?

7) What are some good dental schools?

I really appreciate you looking at my questions, and answering all or one will help me in my future career.

Dental school questions?
you can get a scholarship to get into dental school.

all of the dental school websites have the requirements.

a hygienist cleans teeth

the assistant assists the dentist passing instruments cleaning etc

a dentist fixes your teeth,jaw gums etc

u should focus in the sciences if u want to go into dental school

suny and nyu has a good dental program

discount childrens shoes

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